====== Discussion page (newest on top) ====== ** 02/07/2006 16:13:** To do list: * remove the logo on the website * add 3D reconstruction (DEM) and camera calibration projects to the project page * clean up work table \\ ---- Andrey, we might need a test wiki page. Can you add it? I think we should not allow everyone to access this wiki page just with a registration. Do you have any idea on this? -jaeyoo Nov.4 ---- >The power of wiki is that you can create pages with 4 keystrokes - simply think of the name of your page and then put it inside double square brackets, like this: [[pagename]]. This will create a link to a [[(yet non-existent) page]] (this is why the name is red and not green); if you follow that link you'll be able to populate the page by clicking on the "create page button". Please refer to the [[wiki:tips]] page for more information on how to use wiki, [[wiki:syntax]] on how to use wiki syntax. >\\ >Also, each wiki has a test page called SandBox. While we could certainly call it anything we'd like, this wiki includes a [[wiki:playground]] page that you can play with. >\\ >As for registration access, this we would have to decide - I really wasn't sure about how we want to administer the wiki, so for now I just made it so registered users are allowed the basic edit / create / upload actions. Read the [[wiki:administrative]] page, it's only visible to admins, but I added you so you should be fine. The access lists are pretty simple to use - we can use namespaces (see [[wiki:tips]] for a brief description or [[doku>wiki:namespaces]] for more info) and restrict usage to those specific sections. Or we can just turn off user registration and register people manually.\\ > --- //[[aostapch@vis-www.cs.umass.edu|Andrey Ostapchenko]] 2005/11/04 21:17// ---- When you upload source files to srcs folder on repository server, please do not include binary files in it. For example, Debug directory of Visual C project don't need to be uploaded to srcs folder. Its excutable file should go to bins directory. --- //[[jung@student.umass.edu|jaeyoo jung]] 12/06/2005 00:22// I hope you guys help me work on website. You can see our new main page at http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/AerialImage/dw done by dreamweaver. We will probably add more pages based on the main page as a template. I worked on graphics with paint shop pro, which gives 30 days for trial. If you need a graphic tool, you can download it at paint shop pro website. --- //[[jung@student.umass.edu|jaeyoo jung]] 12/06/2005 00:22// ---- I added new folder on repository server named htmls, you can see what's newly updated so far. Please lock on the target file on which you work to be in version control, and unlock when you are done with it. --- //[[jung@student.umass.edu|jaeyoo jung]] 12/06/2005 00:22// ---- >I'll definitely work on the website, don't try to do everything at once, Jay. I can work with images but I'm not very good with design - if you give me an idea I'll give you the final product but I sometimes have trouble coming up with creative designs. Right now Vlad and I will be working with reading the instruments and time tagging images. >\\ >Now that we're using wiki more often, we need to pay more attention to organization. This whole discussion probably needs to be moved to a separate page such as [[discussion]] or [[announcements]]. Also, the [[http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/AerialImage/Forestry/wiki/feed.php|RSS feed]] can be useful to keep track of changed pages live in your browser. >\\ >\\ >P.S. Careful with HTML, you can't mix html code and wiki code - one of those will not work depending on what mode you're in >\\ >\\ >P.P.S. Jay, do you want me to change your username so that it's not "jung_airs.cs.umass.edu" but simply "jung" so it's simpler? If you want, you can do it yourself, take a look at [[wiki:administrative]] >\\ > --- //[[aostapch@vis-www.cs.umass.edu|Andrey Ostapchenko]] 12/06/2005 01:34// ---- Jay! I have made all the other pages using the template you've made, but I could not put them in **dw** directory, because of the permissions. So, I put all these pages into a separate folder. Permissions are given to group too. -- //[[vzhylkov@student.umass.edu|Vlad]] 12/07/05//