====== Streams5: Adding a new video device ====== If you wish, you can replicate the current setup by creating a new video library file and then from the menus choosing File --> Load Device Configuration File and using the following configuration: {{AIRS_Full_Device_Config.sdc}} * From Streams5 **Device** drop-down menu select **New device** {{ documentation:add_video_device_01.jpg }} * From the drop-down box select **Video** and click next {{ documentation:add_video_device_02.jpg }} * In the **Manufacturer** sidepanel select **IO Industries**. After you do so, the **Model** sidepanel will contain **DVR Express CL160** - select that and click next {{ documentation:add_video_device_03.jpg }} * Now you will be presented with a dialog to select a disk array. If you haven't added one yet, you will see an empty panel. Click on **Create new array**. If you already have your disk arrays set up, you may skip the next 3 steps. {{ documentation:add_video_device_create_array_01.jpg }} * After you click on **Create new array** you will be presented with a listing of boards for which you can create arrays. Click on a **single** device, then click **Add**. {{ documentation:add_video_device_create_array_02.jpg }} * Don't forget to name your arrays so that you can distinguish them in the future. Now click on **OK** and repeat the above two steps to create a new array for each of the boards in the system. {{ documentation:add_video_device_create_array_03.jpg }} * Now you will see a screen listing all the arrays that have been created in the system. {{ documentation:add_video_device_04.jpg }} * Click on an array and click "next" {{ documentation:add_video_device_05.jpg }} * Now you will be presented with a screen to select a camera file - click on **Browse** {{ documentation:add_video_device_06.jpg }} * Make sure you select the correct camera file - the DuncanTech MS4100 **3x10**, since we have 3-band, 10-bit cameras. {{ documentation:add_video_device_07.jpg }} * On the next screen you will see the following: {{ documentation:add_video_device_08.jpg }} * Make sure your settings match the settings in the following image. If you reduce live video quality to 20-25%, you will improve the performance of Streams5 when previewing live images. You **must uncheck** the **capture 8 bits per pixel** box or Streams5 will crash! {{ documentation:add_video_device_09.jpg }} * The next screen will let you set up a timestamp synchronization from an external device (say, from AG132 GPS). If you're not using timestamp synchronization, just click on "next" {{ documentation:add_video_device_10.jpg }} * If you haven't added a timing filter yet, you may read the directions on how to do so [[add_video_filter | here]]. After the filter is installed, you will see the name of the filter in the **Current timing filter** field (highlighted in red). Select the **Enable triggered resync** option (also highlighted in red). Click "next". {{ documentation:add_video_device_existing_time_filter.jpg }} * General settings: no need to change anything. Click "next". {{ documentation:add_video_device_11.jpg }} * Device name: name the device for easy identification in Streams5 {{ documentation:add_video_device_12.jpg }} * Data conversion: just click "next" {{ documentation:add_video_device_13.jpg }} * Compression: click on "finish" {{ documentation:add_video_device_14.jpg }} * Now you should see your newly added device in Streams5 {{ documentation:add_video_device_15.jpg }} * Right-click in the image preview area for the device and from the **Fit options** submenu select **Fit in window** {{ documentation:add_video_device_16.jpg }} * Now click on the eye in the graphical menu. The device should go live and you should see an image on the screen {{ documentation:add_video_device_17.jpg }}