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Tiepoint Transform

Download zip file with example files: :Tiepoint Transform

Visual Studio 2008 Redistributable

There is a bug in the Visual Studio compiler (still) and the program may not run - you may need the Visual Studio 2008 Redistributable Package (also included in the zip)

Transform Executable

There are two versions of the transform: the batch version, where images are processed

The transform is run from the command line with only one parameter - the name of the configuration file. If no parameter/configuration file specified, the executable will assume the configuration file is named config.ini. Use the command prompt to navigate to the directory where the executable is located and type in the name of the executable followed by the configuration file name, for example:

Transform_v0.93_x64_non-export.exe config.ini

The program will read 3 paths from the configuration file:

  1. Image map file, containing the names of images and IDs associated with them. See a sample image map file
  2. Seed point file, containing the mapped pixel values of the laser beams. See a sample seed point file
  3. Image directory, where the source images defined in the image map file are located.

Sample Configuration File

; List of images with image IDs: img1.jpg	1
; Default value assumed by program: "imagelist.txt"
IMAGE_LIST = imagelist.txt
; List of seed points in x y format: 100	200
SEED_LIST = winrock_5_beam.txt
; Directory where the images are located - this could be either a direct path to the directory, such as "C:/Documents And Settings/images" 
; or a folder that is in the same location as the  tiepoint executable, such as "images". Note the absence of backslash (/) at the end
IMAGES_DIR = images
; Solution file
; ERDAS solution file
; Number of CPU cores available for multithreaded support
; Word of warning - make sure you have enough RAM to support multiple images being open
; Size of batches in which images are processed as to not use up all the memory - do not change this unless you're experiencing problems
; If you only need to recompute the affine and have the matches stored on disk
; 	(from a previous run of the program), then set RECOMPUTE_MATCHES to 0
; If you only need to recompute the affine & the matches and have the features stored on disk
; 	(from a previous run of the program), then set RECOMPUTE_FEATURES to 0
; Number of neighbors around each seed to be used in the computation of the affine
; 	transformation - less points will result in a less accurate answer, more points
; 	will result in a better answer - the trade off is that as the number of points 
;	increases, the chance that the points do not lie on the same plane also increases
;	If points don't lie on the same plane, the answer will be less accurate.
; 	Value of 20 works well. 6 is minimum (program will make sure)
; Number of iterations for the least squares algorithm for each image. Typically,
;	you won't have to changes this. Larger number may provide more accuracy but may take
;	a long time
; Tolerance for the least squares approximation of the residuals. Algorithm quits whenever 
;	this or NUM_LM_ITERATIONS is achieved

Sample Image Map File

Kingston 447.jpg	001
Kingston 448.jpg	002
Kingston 449.jpg	003
Kingston 450.jpg	004
Kingston 451.jpg	005

Sample Seed Point File

558 554
940 542
1366 569
768 537
1151 534

Sample Solution File

0	558	554	0	images\158.tif	0
0	940	542	0	images\158.tif	0
0	1366	569	0	images\158.tif	0
0	768	537	0	images\158.tif	0
0	1151	534	0	images\158.tif	0
1	348.786	544.245	2.06931	images\158.tif	0
1	738.093	528.984	2.0815	images\158.tif	0
1	1167.87	555.561	2.10245	images\158.tif	0
1	562.296	525.771	2.12172	images\158.tif	0
1	951.247	519.57	2.06795	images\158.tif	0
0	766.11	564.724	1.46684	images\159.tif	1
0	1148.72	554.365	1.45945	images\159.tif	1
0	1574.22	582.372	1.45771	images\159.tif	1
0	976.764	548.604	1.45743	images\159.tif	1
0	1360.24	547.096	1.45789	images\159.tif	1
1	558	554	0	images\159.tif	1
1	940	542	0	images\159.tif	1
1	1366	569	0	images\159.tif	1
1	768	537	0	images\159.tif	1
1	1151	534	0	images\159.tif	1
2	357.366	548.797	1.69782	images\159.tif	1
2	738.431	531.113	1.69601	images\159.tif	1
2	1168.99	551.029	1.73057	images\159.tif	1
2	566.26	528.584	1.69835	images\159.tif	1
2	947.677	521.777	1.7119	images\159.tif	1
1	764.09	562.681	1.20763	images\160.tif	2
1	1161.19	556.457	1.20387	images\160.tif	2
1	1604.14	591.153	1.21085	images\160.tif	2
1	983.322	548.571	1.20905	images\160.tif	2
1	1381.25	552.041	1.20444	images\160.tif	2
2	558	554	0	images\160.tif	2
2	940	542	0	images\160.tif	2
2	1366	569	0	images\160.tif	2
2	768	537	0	images\160.tif	2
2	1151	534	0	images\160.tif	2
3	344.303	558.671	1.58824	images\160.tif	2
3	713.044	544.282	1.58429	images\160.tif	2
3	1125.63	571.903	1.58253	images\160.tif	2
3	547.523	539.707	1.60561	images\160.tif	2
3	917.442	533.338	1.56034	images\160.tif	2
2	772.66	551.581	1.30877	images\161.tif	3
2	1155.74	545.038	1.30232	images\161.tif	3
2	1578.62	578.174	1.29186	images\161.tif	3
2	983.265	537.495	1.298	images\161.tif	3
2	1366.13	540.175	1.29371	images\161.tif	3
3	558	554	0	images\161.tif	3
documentation/how_to_run_tiepoint_code.txt · Last modified: 2009/01/05 22:50 (external edit)