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Instrument documentation

Watson E304

To provide a calibration means, a command may be used to offset the heading output from any given angle to North. To use this, simply aim the vehicle platform to the North reference required, set an “R” command on the keyboard and then send an upper case “N”. This is a nonvolatile correction, can be used with any North reference, will correct most local magnetic distortions. Double spacebar at initialization required for access to this command.

Instrument Initialization

To make sure all the instruments are configured properly and running:

Look at the LEDs on the RS232 box next to each port. The GPS LED should be blinking once a second, IMU LED - 15 times a second (very fast blinking), and the LRF LED, at 250 times a second, looks like it's always on. The lights show us that data is being sent from the devices. Double click on the hyperterminal shortcut for each instrument on the desktop to make sure the computer is receiving the data.

This is the old spliced wire cable that we used with CL160s (no GPS synchronization support):


This was our working setup:


Instrument Info & Settings

Frequency (Hz) 1 15 250
COM ports (data rec) COM3 COM4 COM5
Unique string character $ I F
String length 76 57 14
Baud rate 9600 9600 57600
Byte size 8
Parity bit 0 (none)
Stop bit 0 (none)


Since we are using 3-band, 10-bit images, each camera needs 2 link cables to output the data. The BASE cable carries data from two bands and is supposedly responsible for camera control signals (although if you plug the MEDIUM cable in instead of the BASE cable, Streams5 still works fine). The MEDIUM cable carries the rest of the data. The 4 cables from two cameras are plugged into 3 DVR cards - 2 CL-160 cards and one “dummy” adapter card that combines the data from the MEDIUM cables with the data from the BASE cables.


The BASE cable from the first camera (doesn't matter which one) plugs into one of the CL-160 cards (these are single connector, either on top or bottom of the dual-plug adapter, with a sticker saying 0500C23 or 0500F23). For card 0500C23 the matching MEDIUM port on the adapter card is right below the BASE port (the left port on the adapter). For 0500F23 the MEDIUM port is on the right side of the adapter). Be careful with the link cables, the pins inside are very fragile.

Note: integration, exposure, and other such settings are controlled through serial ports.


To be done: determine which colors are output on which camera channel.


DT Connect CIR mode VGA Streams5
Image 1: Red Green Green
Image 2: IR Red Blue
Image 3: Green Blue Red
documentation/instruments.txt · Last modified: 2006/08/01 14:08 (external edit)