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This page will contain bits of information to help administer the wiki. Please make sure that for every file you upload to the wiki directory you set the permissions to 666 (-rw-rw-rw-) for wiki pages and 777 (-rwxrwxrwx) for scripts (that's the only permissions for which scripts seem to work)

  • To add a user to a group, navigate to /nfs/libra/AerialImage/public_html/wiki/conf and edit the user.auth.php file (download it to local machine, edit it, then upload it again or do it from command prompt if you're not using a graphical SSH client)

What you will see will resemble the following:

# users.auth.php
# <?php exit()?>
# Don't modify the lines above
# Userfile
# Format:
# user:SMD5password:Real Name:email:groups,comma,separated$1$ebc0a9fQo05tbQR5O5Y4TyP.:test,admin
  • To add a user to a group, simply type the name of the group after the user's email, just like specified in the user:SMD5password:Real Name:email:groups,comma,separated line. Please set the permissions to at least 666 (rw for ogw) so that server can read/write the file and the group can edit it.

  • Access lists are a very powerful tool. To change access lists, click on the “Admin” button on the bottom of the page, then click on access control list management. You will see a page with checkboxes and group names. Boxes that are set allow users to carry out the actions specified by the checkboxes. You can set permissions for users and groups for whole namespaces such as wiki:* or for individual pages. Access Control Lists

  • At this moment, users cannot change their passwords. It is possible, however, if it needs to be done. Navigate to the /nfs/libra/AerialImage/public_html/wiki/conf directory and edit the user.auth.php file (download it to local machine, edit it, then upload it again or do it from command prompt if you're not using a graphical SSH client). You have to change the user's hashed password manually. That means the user will have to encrypt the password via László Monda's password encryption tool located here. Simply replace the old SMD5 hash with the new one. The same technique is used for changing usernames, but here we don't need to encrypt anything.

  • The /conf directory contains the configuration files. user.auth.php contains usernames, SMD5 hashed passwords, names, emails, and group membership information. acl.auth.php contains access control list information which can be edited from the admin panel. dokuwiki.php is the main configuration file; DokuWiki developers suggest that for convenience, if we want to change anything, we should use the local.php configuration file which overrides the dokuwiki.php file.
wiki/administrative.txt · Last modified: 2005/12/15 19:25 (external edit)