As we address the serious need of image classification
tools for marine scientists, we note both specific and general challenges
across these multiple imaging instruments. As we examine different
scientific applications, the problems will vary as particle, cell, colony,
or animal images as presented in different contexts. There will be a need
to customize the features to be extracted from a wide pool of features.
However, over the 25 years of a diverse set of research projects by the UMass Computer Vision Laboratory, we have experience with a very wide
range of features for processing very different objects from a diverse set
of domains. We will explore feature sets across color, texture, shape and
size for use in these domains, and as they are found useful, they will be
compiled into a library available for general use. Of equal importance to
the quality and type of feature is the form of classifier. Over the
five-years of effort, we will examine many different classifiers, and as
we do they will be added to the library for available use in other
applications. We believe the set of tools we plan to create here will have
significant general utility, and will appeal to experts from various
sub disciplines across marine science.
Classification Methods
Reference Image Database from a Living Phytoplankton
Multi-Scale Gaussian Differential Features for
Appearance-Based Similarity Matching
Use of Color Information as a Feature for Matching
and Analysis
Dual-Aspect Imaging in Flow
One of the first priorities in this project will be the
development of expert classified image databases for each image type. This
will be the primary task of the marine science expert sin the first two
years. Development of classification algorithms for each image type will
be the top priority for the computer scientists. As software tools become
available they will be tested by the experts for the different imaging
systems to provide iterative feedback to the software development effort.
Classification development and testing will take place throughout the 5
years, since this forms the core of the project. In years 3 and 5 we will
present our results at workshops held in conjunction with the national
Ocean Sciences meeting. The first workshop will seek feedback for the
development effort from the wider marine scientist community. The second
workshop will be conducted as a tutorial to present our tools to potential
users. The universe of possible combinations of imaging systems, marine
science applications, particle types, classification tools, and image
features we could consider is extremely large. We will apply our set of
classification techniques to many different specific applications in
marine science over the course of this project. However, we note a set of
priority applications that will be our initial focus for each imaging
system here.