Epifluorescence microscopy
This method is used to determine microbial community size and trophic
structure for understanding marine food webs. We will use it with our
ongoing weekly sampling of Boothbay Harbor, where we observe a strong
phytoplankton seasonal cycle, alternating between large diatoms and
dinoflagellates, to small picoalgae and flagellates. The priority image
analysis problems here are:
1) classification of cells to about 10 common types
2) accurate discrimination of cells from detrital particles
3) separation of overlapping cells and particles
Color epifluorescence images of nanoplankton from the
Gulf of Maine, shown here in grayscale. A) the blue-excited image shows
all particles labeled with proflavine (yellow-green) and the
autofluorescence of plant pigments (red and orange). B) the UV image shows
the location of DAPIlabeled DNA in cell nucleii as bright areas in the
cells. An expert has identified cells of interest by drawing boxes around
them. The numerous, small bacteria cells were not included in this
analysis. Note that the larger detrital particle in the lower left of A
does not contain DNA. Note problem of overlapping cells. These two images
show 4 of the 5 image planes used (green excitation is not shown). Scale
bar is 10 m.