Robotics and Computer Vision


Building practical robots was one of the first motivations for computer vision. As reserachers realized the huge challenges in both the computer vision and purely mechanical aspects of robotics, however, the two fields drifted apart. Today, it is relatively uncommon to find sophisticated techniques from one field at use in the other field.

UMass has an unusual combination of strong robotics and computer vision research, making it an ideal place to reunify these fields. The computer vision lab has collaborations with both the Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics and the Robotics and Biology Laboratory at UMass. Current or recent projects have included the following (click links for more details):


Graduate Students


  • David Walker Duhon, Jerod Weinman and Erik Learned-Miller.
    Techniques and applications for persistent backgrounding in a humanoid torso robot.
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2007.
  • Dov Katz, Emily Horrell, Yuandong Yang, Brendan Burns, Thomas Buckley, Anna Grishkan, Volodymyr Zhylkovskyy, Oliver Brock, and Erik Learned-Miller.
    The UMass mobile manipulator UMan: An experimental platform for autonomous mobile manipulation.
    In Workshop on Manipulation in Human Environments, at Robotics: Science and Systems, 2006.